The Future? of the Adyar Theosophical Society





This election is really inconvenient

for the leadership, isn’t it?


Why are the members being hustled

into blind voting?


What are the leadership’s post-election plans?



Dave Marsland






There must really be something rotten in the State of Adyar for the elite to go to so much trouble to suppress discussion. By maintaining a code of silence for the duration of the current presidential election, the leadership is not only telling the members that they are intellectually incapable of coping with an election campaign but also that there are matters or plans which the leadership would rather the members didn’t know about. The ruling elite must have closed ranks against the membership for a very good reason.


Of course the supposed no campaigning rule is just a ruse by leadership to justify the silence and doesn’t actually exist in the real rules. Everybody knows this is a scam. The leadership not only appears to think the members are stupid, they are also terrified of certain information leaking out. The election itself is also a scam with two compliant members of the ruling elite offered for what is said to be the top Adyar job. Finding two candidates who will just stand there like wooden posts, for the duration of the election period, is quite an achievement and many would find it impossible to show their face in public again after taking part in such a charade, which insults the members.


By imposing a news blackout, the elite is now clearly confirming that it constitutes a separate organisation from the Theosophical Society, with its own rules, conventions and agenda. It can be certain that there is no secrecy rule imposed between the ruling elite and that the members of the elite now have a loyalty to each other that overrides their interest in the Theosophical Society and its members. One rule for the “Elite’s Organisation” and another for the Theosophical Society. It should be remembered that the Adyar Theosophical Society is meant to be an organisation of members, and the current policy of withholding information from the membership suggests that a decisive move is afoot that will formalise the separation of the ruling elite from the members.



The leadership has lost the trust, and is squandering any remaining goodwill,

of the members but as they now appear to function as a separate organisation

from the Theosophical Society, they are therefore unconcerned.

What will be their next move after the election?



Having already established a clear division between themselves and the general membership aka “BALLAST”, the ruling elite may now be ready to implement a plan, possibly based on claimed direct post-Blavatsky contact with the Masters in the distant past, to proclaim themselves the Spiritual Leaders of the Theosophical Society, with divine authority? This would make public any currently hidden belief in their divine authority and dispense with the need for further inconvenient consultations with the membership, such as presidential elections. Under this system senior officials would no longer be elected but rather co-opted by the existing leadership much in the same way that the Esoteric Section currently invites members to join. The Theosophical Society would become like a church ruled by a closed self appointed spiritual authority. In the wake of this change, the members drop down to the status of congregations.


The move to cheat members out of their voting rights in 2008 may have been intended as the first stage towards ultimately establishing a Theosophical conclave which retains the exclusive right to appoint its own supreme spiritual leader. The reason given for the move, at the time, was that the members just aren’t capable of making decisions of the importance of electing a leader. Sir Oswald Mosley gave the same reason for advocating the limiting of the voting franchise to an informed elite in Britain in the 1930s.


The President of the Theosophical Society in England may have jumped the gun when he publicly proclaimed himself Spiritual Head of his own section (2009/10 Winter edition of Insight Magazine page 3). No member of the ruling elite appears to have openly challenged this move thus establishing a precedent, and paving the way for such an assertion at international level.


Whatever plan exists, it must be certain by their compliance with the General Council's silence order, that the two presidential candidates either agree with it or are unable to oppose it. Even if there are no planned changes to the structure and constitution of the existing Adyar Theosophical Society as I have described above, it is difficult to see an comparable issue which would warrant the current level of commitment to silence by a ruling elite clearly anxious to protect its position of power.


The scenario described above is only an idea for consideration but by their silence it is clear that the Adyar Theosophical Society ruling elite must be hiding something very big for them all to keep quiet.



Dave Marsland


Posted February 18th 2014


Dave’s Theosophy News Board


Contact Dave Marsland





Theosophical Society Issues




The Tekels Park Family Eviction

A family has been evicted from their home at Tekels Park because

a Tekels Park Estate Limited director wanted to live in their house.




The Future ? of

The Adyar Theosophical Society



Will there be an Adyar Free Future?



Adyar’s Slightly International Convention



President of Nothing

Membership Decline – The Elephant in the Room




The True Status of the

Adyar Theosophical Society Members



Open Election?

How Inconvenient




The Voice of Stagnation



Tekels Park & Dead Animals



An Extra Box on the Ballot Paper

Suggestion for the 2014 Adyar Theosophical Society

International Presidential Election



A Society Without Members



Is the 2014 Adyar Presidential Election Invalid?



Radha Burnier Employment Services

Radha Burnier’s policy of allocating jobs to members of her own

family turned the Adyar Headquarters into the family firm.

How many suitable applicants were discounted so that

Radha Burnier could give a job to a family member?



Don’t Just Do Nothing

Stand There

Despite decades of decline and stagnation leading the

Adyar Theosophical Society to the verge of evaporation

or disintegration, the leadership have so far shown no

sign of coming up with a strategy for ensuring the

continuation of the Society as a unified body.



Adyar, the Sole Purpose of Adyar



Western President


They’ll Knock Adyar Down?



Save Radha’s House

Revealing that the Adyar elite’s stately home is under threat

of compulsory land purchase and can be saved by convincing the

authorities that it is in fact an international headquarters (if true)

may have given the Theosophical Society members a brilliant

opportunity to get Adyar off their backs.

If not true then it looks like blackmail



Ignore the Voters

and Get Elected

An overview of the Adyar Theosophical Society

Presidential Election System



What an Insult to Members

Expecting members to vote for candidates while withholding

highly relevant information indicates an utter contempt by

the leadership for the general membership



Film of the Tekels Park Deer

Here is a link to a short film of the Tekels Park Deer

posted by a Camberley resident.

Everyone opposed to the killing of the Tekels Park animals

will want to see this.



International Election Protocol

This is only an idea for consideration but if the Theosophical elite

continue to treat the members with the current levels of indifference and

contempt for the duration of this election then the Adyar Theosophical

Society will be an empty shell by the time it is completed.



The Secrecy

The secrecy with which the Adyar Theosophical Society

leadership conducts the Society’s affairs is legendary.

Is this secrecy for its own sake or are some serious

issues being suppressed and kept beyond discussion?



Banging the Drum for Theosophy

Looking forward to the post Adyar era



Burnier Town Hall

Family control of Adyar has reduced the members

of the General Council to the status of town hall officials.



The Great Election


Silence by elected management cheats

the members out of participating in the

running of their own organisation



Keeping the International Headquarters at Adyar

It may not be that easy





The International President


The General Council

An idea for consideration



What is Behind the


of the

Theosophical Elite?

The Adyar Theosophical Society ruling elite denies

members the right to be consulted on issues and the

ability to convey their views directly to the leadership.

Why does the leadership of an organisation

treat its members like this in the modern era?



Towards a New Model for Theosophy

The Adyar Theosophical Society Leadership

now isolates itself within a cult of superiority

while the Society evaporates around it.

A Theosophical Society can survive but not

in the current format.



Choose a Stooge

When the Issues are Huge

Is this what is on offer to the Adyar Theosophical

Society's paying members from a ruling elite

that has a different agenda from that of the Society?



Members No Longer Members

of their Own Society

An inter-regnum in the presidency, during which

matters are discussed, is the only course of action

with a chance of saving the Adyar Theosophical

Society as a unified body.



Now Here’s Something Worth

Keeping Quiet About

Are there plans to sell Adyar without

consulting the members?



Is There Hidden

Bad News?

A leadership shutdown combined with a total

news blackout suggests a serious hidden issue

and an intense fear of revealing it.



Control Adyar or

You Control Nothing

Is the self imposed isolation of the General Council effectively

a mass resignation as they have found, after the death of

Radha Burnier, that establishing control of Adyar is too difficult?



A Manifesto

Well Done! CVK Maithreya



Elected Representation

Not Representing

Silence is Killing the Adyar Theosophical Society.

The presidential candidates are as much victims of the

General Council’s silence rule as are the members.

The silence rule also seeks to establish General Council

control over the future president.



Make Way for the Messiahs

Have the Esoteric Section and the

General Council merged into one body?



Does Silence Mean

Game Over

for the Adyar Theosophical Society?

CVK Maithreya presented plans for the future, in

defiance of General Council instructions.

Does suppression of discussion mean that the

Adyar Theosophical Society doesn’t have a future?



Accountable Leadership Urgently Required

The General Council has abused its power

by putting itself beyond accountability.

A new leadership is needed, and fast.



Anybody There?

No Information,

Discussion forbidden,

No replies to questions.

Do the members still have a Society?



Can’t Change

Won’t Change

Those who have kept the Society time warped

in the 1930s now have the task of introducing

reform and they obviously don’t want to do it.



Beggars at the Door

Left sitting out in the cold and starved of information,

members now realise how the General Council regards them

Why not include this picture in any information request to General Council

officers as an indication of how members feel they are being treated.

Or just send the picture anyway.



From The Top Down

The Adyar Theosophical Society is decades

out of date and desperately in need of reform

starting with getting rid of a leadership that

refuses to be accountable to the members.



Who Owns Adyar?



The Royal Court of Radha Burnier



General Council Meeting 2013 Minutes




Theosophical Society

International Rules



Something Wrong?

Making it a bit obvious aren’t you?



Publicly Denounced

The Australian Section made a formal complaint to

Radha Burnier about her victimisation of the Australian

General Secretary at the 2011 General Council meeting.



Disgraceful Treatment of an Adyar Employee

A woman sacked and evicted for complaining.

Given 13 days to get out of her home.



The Preethi Muthiah Letters

Tell A Very Sad Tale



Concerns Raised

About General Council Meetings

Looks like there has been some attempt

by a General Council member to promote

reform within the Theosophical Society



General Council

2012 Meeting Minutes



New Committee?

Make Your Wife The Chairperson



Adyar Internal Problems

that the General Council

Should Investigate



Is Adyar Still The Headquarters?



Creep On!

General Council

Or why don’t you do something

to recover Adyar for the members?



Good Campaign Pitch, Mr Singhal



Adyar Prepares for the Break-Up



Profile of  Adyar

From a Victim



Adyar Family Appointment

A Job for Your Daughter





Another Family Power Appointment

For your Daughter


Bold Initiative

By Singapore Lodge





Triumph of the Weak

Don’t expect the General Council

to do anything if the election is bent



Adyar Job News

You don’t need a plan

You don’t need a degree

If your name’s Raghavan

It’s job number three



No Stand For Democracy

An appraisal of the General Council’s commitment

to maintaining the Adyar Theosophical Society

as a democratic body



Bent election?

But Vote Anyway



A Society Without Leadership

Nobody sees it, Nobody hears from it

Is it hiding somewhere? Does it exist?



Who will Believe It?

Even if the presidential election is correct and above board,

the confidence in the General Council has fallen so low

that members won’t believe it.



Supporting Adyar?

Haven’t members been cheated for long enough?





Long Tradition of


at Adyar

Preethi Muthiah has highlighted an endemic problem at Adyar,

which the General Council has ignored for many years.

There are still no plans implement a grievance procedure and

Anti-bullying policy at Adyar.



Summary Dismissal

Of lady over 70 from her job at Adyar



True Purpose of the

2014 Election

What the paying members want has little to do with

this election, as the silence and lack of information show.

The real purpose of this election is for the General Council

to deliver the candidate that the Adyar ruling elite wants.



What Makes this Election Invalid?




After the Election



Was Your Vote Counted?

Was your vote forwarded to Adyar?

Was the election actually held?

Against a background of silence, a court case and

allegations of irregularities, these are fair questions.



Not Being at Adyar

Well, it’s much easier than being a real president



Democracy in the Adyar Theosophical Society




11,432 Votes

Is That All?



No Right To Complain

Well, what can you expect in an organisation where

the leadership regards the membership as ballast


Doubts about the integrity of the election

are left unresolved, rendering the result invalid.




President’s Inauguration

A Private Function

Elite Welcome

The Ballast now know their true status



Pray Silence

While the President Creeps into Office



It’s Silence as Usual

By the Adyar Theosophical Society ruling elite.

No hurry to prove the election result

But a real hurry to get the president installed



Who Can Support

The Leadership Now?



Shut Up & Pay Up

The Adyar Theosophical Society has become

a multi-level marketing operation





Doubts about the election result will

make the President’s job impossible.



Adyar & the US each have

Half a President



The White Lotus Hi-Jack

President uses White Lotus Day

as a personal platform.

What was the inauguration for?



Don’t Anybody

Ask Me Anything

That’s the clear message from the

International President to the members.




Is this the

Great Wheaton Rip-Off?

Questions now arise over allocation of Wheaton

resources by a two job president



Why Did

The 2014 Election

Go Ahead?

The General Council was confronted with considerable

evidence that the election was bent but just stood there

and let it go ahead.



Should Members Recognise

Tim Boyd

as International President?



A Leadership at War

with the Paying Members

of its Own Organisation






Links to other News Boards



The Future of the Adyar Theosophical Society

Institutional Issues



Theosophy Forum




Theosophy Nexus






Теософическое Сообщество

"Нет религии выше истины!"

The Theosophical Community
"There is no religion higher than truth!"






Contact Dave Marsland